Unpolitically Correct
The Grand Jury Could Help

Let the Grand Jury take the political pressure off of doing the right thing and ending all of the corruption that has been going on in our government. We must do the right thing. Engage one, two or three secret Federal Grand Juries if you have to. Have one for each department under investigation or do them all together. Put forth everything you currently have and move forward. The government has plenty of information on everyone involved. The indictments need to happen and be done with. Those who you leave out will be considered innocent and can move on.

The corruption is so deep that the respect has been lost for all of these departments. We all know that the even the entry level little guy at the bottom knows exactly what’s been going on. This is why I do not have a whole lot of respect for the rank and file. People need to talk. I’m sure they would lose their jobs for “leaking” information, but people have to start talking so we can get this mess cleaned up.

If we get the Grand Jury moving on this they would probably indict about 10 or 20 people for breaking the law. We’re not going to get any real answers until some people start feeling the fear of possibly going to jail. Just get a few people to talk. Make plea bargain deals with all of them. Give them short jail sentences or no sentences at all. But take away their rights for breaking the law. Slap them with a felony with time served. Just get them out and let us move forward on getting honest decent people back in place.

Quit making this a Democratic or Republican issue. Laws have been broken and justice needs to be served.


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