Unpolitically Correct
If We Had the Popular Vote in 1860, We Still May Have Slavery in This Country



“ELECT MCLELLEN AND THE WHOLE DEMOCRATIC TICKET, You will defeat NEGRO EQUALITY, restore Prosperity, re-establish the UNION! In an Honorable, Permanent and happy PEACE”

Thank God times have changed.

President Lincoln lost the popular vote by 60%.  He only got 40% of the popular vote.

He only got 40% of the popular vote but won the electoral college because he ran against three others. In those days some of the other parties had more power so three or four people could run. What if he wasn’t elected? What would have happened?  The Republican Party was started that year with the goal to end slavery.  And that’s why Lincoln ran as a Republican.  He was a Unionist before.  I think eventually we would have done away with slavery because it was the right thing to do.

I’ve just been reading and seeing some really great information on why we have the electoral college.  It isn’t just to balance out the power of the states, because if we have the popular vote now, the Democrats would probably control everything and I’m thinking that’s not necessarily a good thing.  I’m a conservative Democrat, by the way, but the electoral college makes your vote count.  If it’s in a popular vote, let’s say 52% of the people control everything all of the time and everything else was that way, then the 48% would have no rights. The reason they did that was to protect the Freedom of Rights Act  for every individual and it says that we should all be treated equally.  Under the Constitution all U.S. citizens have protection of individual rights.  This requires a balance of power to protect those right, hence the electoral college.

Well, under the popular vote, you would not be treated equally.

You’d only be treated better if you’re part of the popular vote.  If you’re the loser, you don’t.  In our country, with the electoral college, you can lose but the winning party can’t take over the country on a consistent basis and take the laws into their own hands, so to speak.  We tend to not even honor the laws we have.

Look at immigration.  We violate so many federal laws there, it’s unbelievable.

I think that we need to work on doing that.  Please read our article on total immigration reform (click here).  We really can’t imagine that it wouldn’t pass in a minute because it legalizes the people who are here and builds more of a wall so that we can control the people coming in. But right now, we need to really look at that. There is a reason the popular vote has never been approved.  It’s been discussed now probably for 50 years, but it has never been changed because logic eventually kicks in, even for us Democrats, that it could go…

With four candidates in the field, Lincoln received only 40% of the popular vote and 180 electoral votes — enough to narrowly win the crowded election.

Also, the majority of the states up to 47 right now well their votes wouldn’t count.  Do we want to have this where most states don’t count ?  Also, under the popular vote, the voter turnout would be half or less then it is today.  Why vote if it doesn’t count?

The electoral college has served our country over 200 years protecting all human rights.  Our forefathers were amazingly accurate in how we could do that.

President Lincoln authored the 13th Amendment and got it approved by the northern union states in January of 1865.  He was assassinated in April of 1865 and did not get to see the 13th Amendment ratified by all states including the Confederates in June 1865.

President Lincoln’s 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1865 in the aftermath of the Civil War, abolished slavery in the United States. The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

This followed President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation which took effect in 1863, announced that all slaves held in the states “then in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

But the Emancipation Proclamation it itself did not end slavery in the United States, as it only applied to the 11 Confederate states then at war against the Union, and only to the portion of those states not already under Union control. To make emancipation permanent would take a constitutional amendment abolishing the institution of slavery itself.

(13th Amendment, History.com Editors,HISTORY, https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/thirteenth-amendment,May 16, 2019, original publish date November 9, 2009)