Unpolitically Correct
Meaningful Work Must Be Done

It’s OK to have a job you don’t like if you like the people you work with; that makes most jobs worth going to. You must also have a good attitude.

I like my job, and I love the people I work with. I’m very fortunate that way. But a person can like a job – just not the people they work with. As long as one of those two things is good, the world is fine, since the person has a job; it’s a beginning and they can continue searching for the perfect job. If you like the people you work with, then an employee can lean on the social side of the job. Making new friends usually helps self-esteem. If a person likes their job and their coworkers, then they’ve hit the jackpot. The world is a much better place for people in this situation. And, more importantly, families will be happy because family members are happy with work.

I think life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent of our attitude – that is to say, it’s mostly about how we react to what happens in our lives and our jobs. I wish the United States Congress believed in that and “stopped talking and did something”. Congress could pass bills in one week if they wanted to. They don’t need all these committees to waste time looking at every little detail. Congress chooses to operate that way. And it’s all a smokescreen in Washington, D.C. But as the water drains from the swamp, these time-wasting smokescreens will be exposed. 

I believe most of our leaders in government do not represent us although President Trump seems to be trying. They need to spend a little less time talking to the person across the aisle about gossip and wishful thinking and take the facts and do something. They need to talk to the people in their districts. They need to do much more surveying of their own constituents, honestly, not the lobbyists, rather than thinking they know more than the voters. They need to be listening to the governors of their home states. Some people, such as Sen. John McCain, don’t support their own governors because they hate President Trump so much. Trump did not treat McCain right, but two wrongs don’t make a right. If we truly believed and behaved as if two wrongs don’t make a right, then this country and the world would be such a better place.

What about acknowledging and recognizing the top companies that hire minorities and veterans? Hiring a veteran is the smartest thing a company could do. They have better cognitive thinking than someone with a liberal arts degree. They know how to take orders and are always team players. That’s how they save their own lives and the lives of their buddies. And who would be more loyal than somebody who volunteers to die for his country? 

We welcome your comments.

1.     What do you think about the idea of rewarding and recognizing companies that make an effort to hire minorities and veterans?

2.     What do you think about the idea that attitude is more a key to success than most other circumstances?