Unpolitically Correct
Taking Hate and Violence Out of Race Relations

We need to figure out how to bring positivity back into race relations. Certainly, there is no question about America’s history and its role in racial conflicts.  Nor is there a question as to the responsibilities we have created in its historical wake.  While we should never forget our past, we must continue to move forward.

Human to human, we believe every race is equal. We need to stop talking and do the right thing. Let’s give more attention to finding people jobs, providing better educational opportunities and fixing up our inner cities. Let’s learn from our past and move forward with the real idea of something much better.

Our goal must be to focus on seeing each other as equal human beings in each and every way. Not as our race, religion, culture, or anything else, but as individuals.

We know, sometimes this seems impossible. The media portrays so much negativity regarding race and race relations. The truth is there’s a lot more positivity out there and a lot more good than bad. Despite what the news says.   If we’re going to make continued progress, we will have to stop promoting hate and start promoting hope. Let’s stop talking and do something.

Which raises a question: How do we take the good and apply it to issues of racial inequality?

If you ask the leaders of our country this question, I don’t think you’ll get clear answers. The only way to find true solutions will be to find the common ground for all of us. Don’t listen to activists who profit from races standing against one another. We need activists with positive attitudes and solution-based ideas to bring people together.

Most people can agree, regardless of race, helping others to provide a better life for themselves is a good thing. If we focus on that goal, then the lines and issues between races start to disappear. Instead of a variety of races, we simply have people all working together to lead better lives. How do we accomplish this? By creating more jobs and continuing to focus on hiring minorities. Not by enacting laws, but by doing the right thing. We could encourage this value in businesses. Let’s publicly recognize and award the top five companies helping to move these issues forward in their communities. How do we check the system? By having a government that recognizes the companies and people that reach out to and support minorities.

Another solution is to help make sure that everyone learns the language of the country they’re in. Whether it’s an American immigrant in France or a Mexican immigrant in the United States. Knowing the primary language helps immigrants integrate and converse, builds self-esteem, and helps them earn a better wage. In the U.S., minorities who can speak English well can earn about 15 percent more on average than their peers.

Whatever your solution, we need to stop the hate and violence between races. Maintaining that hatred only serves to hurt every single person on this earth, no matter their race.

Some people who promote hate make money by doing so. We need to rid our communities of these people and stop rewarding them for this behavior. The only way to solve this is with open discussion of solutions based on our common ground.

When it comes to race issues, many people like to assume they know what the other person is thinking. Nine times out of ten, they don’t. We need to work on truly working with each other and understanding each other. Only then can we help minorities and other people who are struggling. By doing so, we can help everyone live better lives.

So what are your solutions? We want to hear from all of our bloggers, writers, and commenters. Spend about 25 percent of your post describing the issue, then the other 75 percent sharing a solution to it.

We know there are a lot of smart ideas out there, and it all starts with you sharing them.

It’s time to come together to work through issues and generate solutions.

If you’re stuck, here are a few questions that can get you started:
1. How can we get more minorities employed?
2. How can we get more people, regardless of race, wanting to work?
3. What can private businesses do to help change things?
4. How can we encourage private businesses to make those changes?

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