Unpolitically Correct
Can We Get The Truth Please?
We need to get some things going about being more honest and forthright between and from the media and the Congress. Let’s face it. We have some major issues going on with our FBI and the Department of Justice. We all know felonies have been committed. And we all know these felonies have been committed from the top down.

Our government needs to make a move forward on this. We need the stonewalling to stop. We all know that if and when the truth is released it’s going to shake things up. But how can we as a nation move forward if we aren’t even given the opportunity to know the truth and to address it?

Everything is based around the elections and not about what the right thing to do is. There are so many unanswered questions and accusations flying around. Was Hilary Clinton illegally conspiring against President Trump? Was President Trump involved with Russia and did they try to manipulate our elections? What happened with our FBI? There are so many more questions and America wants to know!

We, the citizens, are not stupid. We know that with today’s technology nothing is erased and everything is discoverable. Hilary’s emails are somewhere safe and sound under lock and key.   The two FBI agents’ cell phone records are alive and well somewhere safe and sound under lock and key.   We know there is so much information that exists out there that is being kept from us.

What we want is for the Government to do the right thing.   Address these injustices fairly.   If felonies have been committed then lead by example and indict them. We don’t expect them to be jailed. Just indict them, give them time to tell the truth, and get them out of the office and replaced by someone who can get the job done and be trusted.

They say our country is divided. If it is, it is because our Congress has divided us.   They need to stop hating one another and truly address the corruption that is going on within. Our country wants to be united and will be united. We want our leaders to lead by example. We want our leaders to be accountable to the same laws that they are holding us accountable to.

I can’t help but wonder how we must look to other countries in the world. I think they are laughing at us. Why wouldn’t they?

Let’s have a big long look at everything that everyone has done.   Get it all out in the open.   Indict those who should be.   Get those who need to talk to finally talk. And then, let’s move on!