Unpolitically Correct
Every Parent’s Nightmare Just Got Worse
The Coronavirus Quarantine has had so many negative effects, and high on the list is the fact that even after the deaths of over 100,000 Americans from infection with the Virus, so many tens of thousands more Americans have died because of the Coronavirus who aren’t being counted.  The ‘official numbers’ say they died of stroke or heart attack or drugs or alcohol overdose or suicide – I say they died because of the Coronavirus Quarantine. They either died because they were afraid to get medical treatment, or because it wasn’t available to them, or because their doctor’s office was closed –

but it was really all because of the Coronavirus Quarantine, wasn’t it? 

Speaking of negative effects, my heart truly goes out to the parents of graduating students. They have invested so much of their time, love and money helping get their kids prepared for world that’s now completely upside-down. How will new graduates find a job? I’m really afraid there’s nothing in this new situation, with all the seemingly inevitable upcoming versions of Coronavirus Quarantine #1, that will offer either the independence for the grads or the peace and serenity for the parents that they’ve all been looking forward to for a long time

… ever since the kids were born, in fact.

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